APT Asia Pacific’s ISO-certified manufacturing plant located in Melbourne is the largest sports and recreational distribution facility in the southern hemisphere, producing over 100 types of synthetic turf. Our products are exported and installed throughout the Asia Pacific region via network of expert installation partners.



APT Asia Pacific is the only synthetic turf manufacturer to make yarn in Australia. Our yarn is made using only the highest-grade raw materials comprising of 24 unique components not found in any other yarn.

Our products are truly made for Australasian conditions; they are durable, UV stabilised and rigorously tested to withstand the harshest climates. No other yarn manufacturer can claim 25 years of continuous exposure testing in Australian conditions.

All of our turf brands are made using our Australian Made yarn including Synlawn, Poligras, LigaTurf, Supergrasse and Omnicourt.

Heat Testing

in Australia

Allunga Exposure Laboratory, Townsville, QLD

At the Allunga Exposure Laboratory in Townsville, where the tropical heat is high and the UV content of natural light is extreme, we monitor fading and tensile strength loss. We also run simultaneous accelerated testing on APT yarns and yarns sourced from other manufacturers around the world.

The Allunga Exposure Laboratory is accredited with the Australian National Association of Testing Authorities, which specialise in materials testing and durability evaluation. Allunga is a global reference for natural and accelerated exposure testing, due to its geographical position whereby the sun passes directly overhead twice yearly.

Many of our brands proudly carry the Australian Made certification